Monday, March 12, 2012

Sakartvelos or Siberia?

It's been quite cold the last few days--first sun but a lot of wind, then yesterday less wind but no sun, and today, guess what...snow again.  (Sarcastic) yay!  I love snow, but I must say, lack of heating or any real form of insulation does change one's perspectives on things.  I now understand people not being happy when it snows--moreover I understand those people (who I could not, previously) who long for life in places like Hawai'i, Africa, or even simply the Southern US--indeed, if I didn't have good heating in the future, I would really consider moving to a tropical environment.  I'd rather be, I think (now this is very unlike anything I would have ever said with my American conveniences, and should also be tempered with the knowledge that I'm saying it in winter, and with the good old "grass is always greener..." axiom), in a warm environment that's sometimes sweltering than a cool environment that's sometimes bone-chilling.  Georgia gets all four seasons in a way that western Washington State doesn't, to the same extent, which is really nice--but winter is lingering forever this year.  I had to (jokingly) apologize to the accusation of bringing the snow from America, because "there was never snow in Georgia" before I came, to quote my host mother.  But as I write this, being burnt to a crisp by the stove (it's a fun game in winter to see how long you can stay in one place without either burning or freezing), knowing I'll soon be freezing, and knowing that (as the snow is falling well, and sticking despite it being supposedly 3C outside) the cold will continue a while longer, at least I know that it will be beautiful when I awake tomorrow (as it will probably keep snowing all or most of the night, from past experience; it's about 5:30 now) [if I recall correctly, I was wrong, and it stopped snowing about an hour after writing this], and can hope this long winter means I won't have to endure too much heat in June and July before I leave [again, I was wrong in my hope; it's already hot half the time, and it's only early April].

Anyway, I just wanted to update you all as a footnote to my last weather blog.

In Christ,
Teopile/Theophilos Porter

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